Finca Leola Costa Rica Reforestation

Mention of companies, organizations, or authorities in this website does not imply endorsement by Finca Leola S.A., nor does mention of companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this website.

A real estate site for the Pacific zone is

Venado Valley Real Estate offers land for reforestation, conservation, and country living in our zone

An enjoyable and informative collection of stories about taking a ranch to a protected forest, the book Monkeys Are Made of Chocolate can be ordered from Pixy Jack Press

National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica

Forestry page of FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Tropical Hardwood Markets in Europe

World Agroforestry Centre

Woodworkers Source Current Specials

Tree Seed Database

The Teak Files: The management of teak plantations

The Overstory: Free Email Agroforestry Journal

The International Tropical Timber Organization


MINAE; Costa Rica Ministry of the Environment

Unasylva No. 201: Teak

Tropical Sierra Foundation is an organization through which you can have trees planted in your name for a donation of $5 each. Use their "carbon-neutrality calculator" to find out how many trees you'd have to plant to become carbon neutral.

 Finca Leola and FLSA are exclusive trademarks of Finca Leola S.A. All materials and content copyrighted 2003-2012. All rights are reserved worldwide.